How to: Implement a Queue Data Structure using Linked List in Typescript (Code below!)

How to: Implement a Queue Data Structure using Linked List in Typescript (Code below!)

Aug 24, 2022
Data Structures

Why use a Queue?

notion image
For a work-related project, we needed to store objects in an array-like linear structure with a fixed size.
We needed to extract the most “recent” information → push the recent objects at the end of the queue and pop the older objects from the front.
This is referred to as FIFO (First In First Out).

Other applications of the Queue structure:

  1. First come first serve scheduling in operating systems.
  1. When transferring data asynchronously → like in pipes or file IO.
  1. Semaphores
  1. Queues in routers/switches
  1. Music playlist in Spotify

Different Types of Queue in Data Structures:

Simple Queue

Circular Queue

Priority Queue

Double-ended Queue (also called Deque)

Queue using Linked List:

The following is the code to implement a queue using Linked List. This queue can store complex objects as it’s value 😃
You can use the following code to create any type of queue mentioned above!
Code credit:


/** * Function signature for checking equality */ export interface EqualsFunction<T> { (a: T, b: T): boolean } /** * Function signature for comparing * > 0 => a is larger than b * = 0 => a equals b * < 0 => a is smaller than b */ export interface CompareFunction<T> { (a: T, b: T): number } /** * Default function to test equality. * @function */ export const defaultEquals = <T>(a: T, b: T): boolean => { return a === b } export const VALUE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR = 'Value does not exist.' /** * Default function to compare element order. * @function */ export function defaultCompare<T>(a: T, b: T): number { if (a < b) { return -1 } else if (a === b) { return 0 } else { return 1 } }


class LinkedListNode<T> { val: T next: LinkedListNode<T> | null prev: LinkedListNode<T> | null constructor(val: T) { this.val = val = null this.prev = null } } export default LinkedListNode


import LinkedListNode from './LinkedListNode' import * as utils from '../utils' interface List<T> { head: LinkedListNode<T> tail: LinkedListNode<T> size: number } class LinkedList<T> implements Iterable<T> { private list: List<T> | undefined private equalsF: utils.EqualsFunction<T> = utils.defaultEquals /** * Creates a LinkedList - O(1) * @param equalsFunction equal function for for non-primitive values. */ constructor(equalsFunction?: utils.EqualsFunction<T>) { this.list = undefined if (equalsFunction) this.equalsF = equalsFunction } /***************************************************************************** INSPECTION *****************************************************************************/ /** * Returns size - O(1) * @return {number} */ size(): number { if (this.list) return this.list.size return 0 } /** * Returns true if inked list is empty, false otherwise - O(1) * @return {number} */ isEmpty(): boolean { return !this.list } /***************************************************************************** INSERTION *****************************************************************************/ /** * Adds node to the head of the linked list - O(1) * @param {T} val - value to add to list * @return {void} */ addFront(val: T): boolean { const newNode = new LinkedListNode(val) if (this.list) { // link old head backwards this.list.head.prev = newNode // link new head forwards = this.list.head this.list.head = newNode this.list.size += 1 } else { this.list = { head: newNode, tail: newNode, size: 1, } } return true } /** * Adds node to the tail of the linked list - O(1) * @param {T} - value to add to list * @return {void} */ addBack(val: T): boolean { const newNode = new LinkedListNode(val) if (this.list) { // link old tail forwards = newNode // link new tail backwards newNode.prev = this.list.tail this.list.tail = newNode this.list.size += 1 } else { this.list = { head: newNode, tail: newNode, size: 1, } } return true } /** * Adds a node at specified index - O(n) * @param {number} i - index * @param {T} val - value to add to list * @return {void} */ addAt(i: number, val: T): boolean { if (i === 0) { return this.addFront(val) } if (i === this.size()) { return this.addBack(val) } if (i < 0 || i >= this.size() || !this.list) return false let cur = this.list.head // traverse to index for (let j = 0; j < i - 1; j++) { cur =! // eslint-disable-line } const newNode = new LinkedListNode(val) // link next node!.prev = newNode // eslint-disable-line = // link prev node newNode.prev = cur = newNode this.list.size += 1 return true } /***************************************************************************** ACCESSING *****************************************************************************/ /** * Gets the value of head - O(1) * @returns {T} value of head */ peekFront(): T | null { if (!this.list) return null return this.list.head.val } /** * Gets the value of tail - O(1) * @returns {T} value of tail */ peekBack(): T | null { if (!this.list) return null return this.list.tail.val } /** * Gets the element at index i - O(n) * @param {number} i - index of element * @returns {T} value of element at index i */ get(i: number): T | null { if (i < 0 || i >= this.size() || !this.list) { return null } let j = 0 let cur = this.list.head while (j < i) { cur =! // eslint-disable-line j++ } return cur.val; } /***************************************************************************** ALTERING *****************************************************************************/ /** * Sets the value of the current node i - O(n) * @returns {T} value of current node */ set(i: number, value: T): void { if (!this.list) return; if (i < 0 || i >= this.list.size) return; let j = 0 let cur = this.list.head // traverse to node to be deleted while (j < i) { cur =! // eslint-disable-line j += 1 } cur.val = value; } /***************************************************************************** SEARCHING *****************************************************************************/ /** * Removes the first occurrence of the specified item in the linked list. * @param {T} value - value to search for * @return {number} the index of the first occurence of the element, and -1 * if the element does not exist. */ indexOf(value: T): number { // list is empty if (!this.list) return -1 let i = 0 let cur = this.list.head while (!this.equalsF(cur.val, value)) { // === null means we reached end of list without finding element if (! return -1 cur = i += 1 } return i } /** * Returns the first occurrence of the specified key and value in the linked list. * @param {T} value - value to search for * @return {number} the index of the first occurence of the element, and -1 * if the element does not exist. */ indexOfKey(key: string, value: string): number { // list is empty if (!this.list) return -1 let i = 0 let cur = this.list.head while({ const idx = Object.keys(cur.val).indexOf(key); if(idx > -1 && Object.values(cur.val)[idx] === value){ return i; } cur =; i += 1; } return -1; } /** * Checks if value is in linked list. * @param {T} value - value to search for * @returns {boolean} */ contains(value: T): boolean { const index = this.indexOf(value) return index !== -1 } /***************************************************************************** DELETION *****************************************************************************/ /** * Removes head - O(1) * @return {T} - value of removed head */ removeFront(): T | null { if (!this.list) return null // extract val of head so we can return it later const val = this.list.head.val if ( { // newHead.prev = null = null // move head pointer forwards this.list.head = this.list.size -= 1 } else { // list is size 1, clear the list this.list = undefined } return val } /** * Removes tail - O(1) * @return {T} - value of removed head */ removeBack(): T | null { if (!this.list) return null // extract the val of tail so we can return it later const val = this.list.tail.val if (this.list.tail.prev) { // = null = null // move tail pointer backwards this.list.tail = this.list.tail.prev this.list.size -= 1 } else { this.list = undefined } return val } /** * Removes first occurence of node with specified value. Returns true if * removal was successful, and false otherwise. - O(n) * @param {T} val - value to remove * @returns {T} - value of removed node */ remove(val: T): T | null { const index = this.indexOf(val) // O(n) if (index === -1) return null return this.removeAt(index) // O(n) } /** * Removes node at specified index- O(n) * @param {number} i - index to remove * @return {T} - value of removed node */ removeAt(i: number): T | null { if (!this.list) return null if (i === 0) { return this.removeFront() } else if (i === this.size() - 1) { return this.removeBack() } if (i < 0 || i >= this.list.size) return null let j = 0 let cur = this.list.head // traverse to node to be deleted while (j < i) { cur =! // eslint-disable-line j += 1 } // delete node cur.prev!.next = // eslint-disable-line!.prev = cur.prev // eslint-disable-line this.list.size -= 1 return cur.val } /** * Deletes all nodes - O(1) */ clear(): void { this.list = undefined } /***************************************************************************** HELPERS *****************************************************************************/ /** * Appends values from an array to list - O(k) */ fromArray(A: T[]): LinkedList<T> { for (const a of A) { this.addBack(a) } return this } *[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<T> { if (!this.list) return let cur: LinkedListNode<T> | null for (cur = this.list.head; cur != null; cur = { yield cur.val } } } export default LinkedList


import LinkedList from "../linkedList/LinkedList"; import * as utils from '../utils'; class Queue<T> implements Iterable<T> { private list: LinkedList<T> constructor(equalsFunction?: utils.EqualsFunction<T>) { if (equalsFunction) this.list = new LinkedList(equalsFunction) else this.list = new LinkedList() } /***************************************************************************** INSPECTION *****************************************************************************/ /** * Returns size of queue - O(1) */ size(): number { return this.list.size() } /** * Returns true if queue is empty, false otherwise - O(1) */ isEmpty(): boolean { return this.list.isEmpty() } /** * Deletes all elements in queue - O(1) */ clear(): void { this.list.clear() } /***************************************************************************** INSERTION/DELETION *****************************************************************************/ /** * Enqueues element into queue - O(1) * @param {T} element - element to be enqueued */ enqueue(element: T): void { this.list.addBack(element) } /** * Dequeues element from queue - O(1) * @returns {T} */ dequeue(): T | null { if (this.isEmpty()) return null return this.list.removeFront() } /***************************************************************************** ACCESSING *****************************************************************************/ /** * Peeks at the element at the front of the queue - O(1) * @returns {T} - Frontmost element */ peekFront(): T | null { if (this.isEmpty()) return null return this.list.peekBack() } /** * Peeks at the element at the back of the queue - O(1) * @returns {T} - Backmost element */ peekBack(): T | null { if (this.isEmpty()) return null return this.list.peekFront() } /** * Gets the element at index i - O(n) * @param {number} i - index of element * @returns {T} value of element at index i */ get(i: number): T | null { if (i < 0 || i >= this.size() || !this.list) { return null } return this.list.get(i); } /***************************************************************************** ALTERING *****************************************************************************/ /** * Sets the value of the current node i - O(n) * @returns {T} value of current node */ set(i: number, value: T): void { if (!this.list) return; if (i < 0 || i >= this.size()) return; this.list.set(i, value); } /***************************************************************************** SEARCHING *****************************************************************************/ /** * Checks if value is in queue - O(n) * @param {T} element - element to search for * @returns {boolean} */ contains(element: T): boolean { return this.list.contains(element) } /** * Removes the first occurrence of the specified item in the linked list. * @param {T} value - value to search for * @return {number} the index of the first occurence of the element, and -1 * if the element does not exist. */ indexOf(value: T): number { // list is empty if (!this.list) return -1 return this.list.indexOf(value) } /** * Returns the first occurrence of the specified item in the linked list. * @param {T} value - value to search for * @return {number} the index of the first occurence of the element, and -1 * if the element does not exist. */ indexOfKey(key: string, value: string): number { // list is empty if (!this.list) return -1 return this.list.indexOfRequestId(key, value); } /***************************************************************************** HELPERS *****************************************************************************/ [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<T> { return this.list[Symbol.iterator]() } } export default Queue

index.ts - test implementation

import Queue from "./queue/Queue"; const networkQueueMaxSize = 100; const exampleObj = []; let temp = {} as any; temp["3"] = {requestId: "3", type: 'sans', response: "1", time: 'sans', page: "1", tabid: 'sans'}; temp["2"] = {requestId: "2", type: 'iphone'}; temp["1"] = {response: "world", requestId: "1"} let networkLogFromWebRequest = {} as any; //suppose, we have 5 tabs for(let tabId=0; tabId<5; tabId++){ if(networkLogFromWebRequest[tabId] === undefined){ console.log("initialize queue:"+tabId); networkLogFromWebRequest[tabId] = new Queue(); } } let x = 1; networkLogFromWebRequest[x].enqueue(temp["1"]); networkLogFromWebRequest[x].enqueue(temp["2"]); const sans = { time: new Date() } const key = 'requestId'; const value = "1"; const idx = networkLogFromWebRequest[x].indexofKey(key, value); if (idx !== -1) { const newSetValue = { ...networkLogFromWebRequest[x].get(idx), ...temp["3"] }; networkLogFromWebRequest[x].set(idx, newSetValue); } else{ console.log("why is it null?"); } const networkLogs = []; const iterateQueue = networkLogFromWebRequest[x][Symbol.iterator](); for (let i = 0; i < networkLogFromWebRequest[x].size(); i++) { networkLogs.push(; } console.log(networkLogs); const iterateQueue = networkLogFromWebRequest[x][Symbol.iterator](); for(let i=0; i<networkLogFromWebRequest[x].size(); i++){ console.log(; }


Thank you so much, Jeff Zhang. You and your code has inspired me in more ways than one! 😄
